The Truth Behind the Anti-Acne Diet: What to Eat to Improve Your Acne

The Truth Behind the Anti-Acne Diet: What to Eat to Improve Your Acne

Because of COVID-19 wreaking havoc on our lives these past couple of years, many of us have been all over the board when it comes to our diet… which is why we here at Clear Skin Solutions wanted to chat with y’all about the truth behind the anti-acne diet (and, more specifically, what to eat to improve your acne!)


The Link Between Diet and Acne

In past blogs, we’ve covered the link between diet and skin extensively. Why? Because this science is actually a cornerstone of our successful acne treatments!

As skin therapists, we help guide clients that suffer from acne, eczema, rosacea, pigmentation, and/or prematurely aging skin to a sustainable anti-inflammatory diet that, along with other healthy lifestyle changes and treatment integrations, change their skin for the better… for life!. Our aim is always for you to achieve glowing, healthy skin for life—and building a list of anti-acne foods and supplements that will keep you on that path is an integral part of that aim.

Diet and acne are so closely interlinked between common foods’ high inflammatory properties. Here at Clear Skin Solutions, when a client wants to enjoy clear skin but is struggling with an inflammatory diet, it makes it borderline impossible for our acne treatments to do their work: in fact, researchers have found a correlation between inflammatory high-fat and high-sugar foods (also referred to as foods high on the glycemic index) and acne, particularly in adults.

Anti-Acne Foods to Prioritize

Common acne “trigger” foods include sugary foods and beverages, hormone-heavy dairy, and high-fat meats and fast food. The majority of frequently-seen triggers (such as  soy and whey powder) tend to be staples of a Western diet.

For the majority of our clients, we tend to recommend the following anti-acne foods to prioritize:

  • Healthy Fats / Healthy Oils
  • Nuts & Seeds (if tolerated)
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Omega 3s (such as salmon or mackerel)
  • Grass Fed /Organic Meats

Oftentimes, inflammatory foods don’t help us feel our physical best… and yet we don’t connect the dots because we have gotten too used to the cycle of convenience and/or comfort these food choices bring. When Nyki’s youngest, Ashton, was seven he summed up the breaking of this cycle perfectly: “I don’t want any popcorn this time,” he said at the movie theater. “When I eat it I don’t feel well; how can it make me feel good right now, but so bad later?” This self-realization serves as one of Nyki’s favorite reminders that we are inherently in tune with what’s best for our bodies (and, in turn, our skin!) but too often turn a blind eye. Awareness is key!

What to Eat to Improve Your Acne (And How Clear Skin Solutions Can Help Determine Your Best Anti-Acne Diet)

The truth behind the anti-acne diet is that there is no “one size fits all”: while we commonly advise to follow nutritionist Tara Spencer’s anti-inflammatory diet recommendations (like Paleo, Mediterranean, and Whole 30, all of which prioritize whole foods rich in essential vitamins) we work hand-in-hand with our clients to determine their optimal diet based on their current skin concerns, skin history, and lifestyle.

Book your appointment with us today to get the ball rolling on your anti-acne diet, Ardmore!

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